A project for Indonesian Government

Mobile App


Device: Mobile Phone

PERPUSNAS APP is an input system for the staff of Indonesian National Library to store and manage the data from 166,000 National Libraries across Indonesia

UI UX Designer

Product Strategy, User Research, Visual Design, Prototyping & Testing


Not every area in Indonesia has easy access to the internet through desktop/laptop. Even though the web app was a success, many staff from faraway villages find it hard to use a desktop or they have to travel far to get internet and laptop access. But there's one thing that everyone has, it's the mobile phone. The government saw the problem and contacted us for a solution. SIM PERPUSNAS Mobile app will enable every staff to input the data easily through their own phone.

The Process

The discovery session was straight forward as the client have a clear understanding of what they want to achieve.

I prepared questions for interviews, focusing on asking open-ended ones to encourage participants to freely share their thoughts. I structured the interview into three main areas: viewing data, entering data, and reporting data. While I can't share confidential interview results, this structure helped guide the conversation effectively.

Key Takeaways from User Research

  • Viewing data is not as frequent as the need to Input and report data

  • Each level has different sub-data that needs to fill out even though it's under the same topic

  • Reporting is divided into daily, weekly, and monthly

  • It's important to be able to sort the data based on specific demographic (e.g. gender, age. etc)

  • Viewing data is better with table style and reporting with graphs (e.g. bar chart, pie chart, etc)

User Flow
Sign In Page

Once the wireframes were approved, I transitioned into high-fidelity design. Given that this web application will be used across Indonesia, I had to prioritize accessibility throughout the design process. I incorporated features that would ensure inclusivity, considering the diversity in users' abilities and technical proficiencies. Accessibility was especially crucial given the widespread and varied user base, ensuring that the platform would be usable in both urban and rural regions of the country.

Sign In Page

Once the wireframes were approved, I transitioned into high-fidelity design. Given that this web application will be used across Indonesia, I had to prioritize accessibility throughout the design process. I incorporated features that would ensure inclusivity, considering the diversity in users' abilities and technical proficiencies. Accessibility was especially crucial given the widespread and varied user base, ensuring that the platform would be usable in both urban and rural regions of the country.

User Testing

Create a web app that can eliminate data silo so the users can input, view, and report the data in one single place.


Save time and energy. Users can easily input the data in the same manner, find the data, and create reporting in seconds. The staff across Indonesia now can focus more on creating great education program and social activities rather than doing administration tasks.


View the data for each topic from Dashboard/Home Page
Input specific data and submit it
Create a report and export it to Excel/PDF


Completion Rate
Qualitative Feedback
Satisfaction Rate


Completion Rate - 60 to 98% 
Qualitative Feedback - 97% positive feedback
Satisfaction Rate - 85%